We believe it is in our clients’ best interests—both financially and emotionally—that the acquiring party successfully maintains the company as a profitable going concern. That’s why we pay such close attention to a prospective investor’s experience base, financial strength, and position in the industry.
We search out investors from our extensive investor database and network of contacts, both online and off. We also advertise blind on numerous business websites as appropriate.
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
If you wish to review the information about a business we are selling, we request that you sign an NDA to preserve confidentiality. Please download the appropriate NDA.
- Individual Investor NDA (PDF)
- Private Equity Firm NDA (Word)
Note to private equity firms: If you wish to edit the NDA, please do so in Track Changes.
Either scan and email the completed and signed NDA to [email protected] or fax it to: (425) 637-0119.
Personal Financial Statement (PFS)
To consider an individual as a business investor, we will also request a PFS in order to review your financial qualifications. Our principal needs this information to consider financing options. Download our PFS form in Excel. Either scan and email the completed form to: [email protected] or fax it to: (425) 637-0119.
If you are a private equity firm, we do not need a PFS from you. Instead, we request information about your portfolio of companies. Please provide a link to the appropriate page of your website in an email to [email protected].
Article: The Law of Real Estate Agency
Please download the article “The Law of Real Estate Agency” in PDF. We are required by Washington state law to provide this pamphlet.
Marketing Prospectus
Upon approval of your NDA and financial capacity, we will send you a comprehensive marketing prospectus for the business that interests you.
Online Data Room for Accepted Buyer
Once a buyer’s Letter of Intent (LOI) is accepted, we will provide access to detailed documents for the business under consideration in our online data room.
Financing the Sale
The vast majority of sales cannot occur without outside financing. We have extensive contacts in the financial community for seller, mezzanine, and SBIC financing.
We also specialize in arranging financing even when we do not represent the seller. Please see our Services page.